Fiona Fitzsimons

Declan Brady.

Visitor Centre Genealogy Expert

Declan is a professional historian, genealogist and educator who specializes in the social history and local government of eighteenth to twentieth century Ireland, including the Irish diaspora who emigrated during this period. His wide research experience facilitates the use of historical sources for genealogical research, especially of emigrants to the United States, Canada, Britain and Australia.

Previously part of the Genealogy Advisory Service at the National Library of Ireland, Declan also works with the National Museum of Ireland, Collins Barracks, and with various County Council commemorations programmes.

He is also a history tutor at Maynooth University and lectures in Local History and Genealogy with the City of Dublin Educational and Training Board and with various County Council Library services.

Declan is an unusual genealogical species in that he can trace his family back through six generations living in Dublin City.


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