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Post Office Directory Bath, 1858-9

What is inside?

The Post Office Bath Directory 1858-1859 is the first in a new series of 19th and 20th Century Bath Directories. These directories are a fantastic source for anyone researching Bath and its environs. Archive CD Books Ireland/Eneclann are delighted to partner with the History of Bath Research Group on this project. The directory is typical of many of the Post Office directories of the time, containing enormous amounts of information of the people, businesses and streets of Bath and many of its surrounding villages. It begins with the indexes to the miscellaneous section and the commercial directory followed by a listing of the principal streets. The general directory and the street directory make up a large portion of the directory, with some 288 pages, of a total of 580 pages, listing names and addresses. This is followed by the village directory, listing the principal inhabitants of the villages within a six mile radius of the city. Following the village directory is the professional and trade directory, listing the members of the various trades and professions alphabetically by trade or profession. The directory is completed by a guide to the actual postal services, an insurance directory, the miscellaneous directory, and advertising of the businesses. This directory is essential for anyone with an interest in Bath and its surrounding villages, it provides indispensable information for the researcher as well as a unique snapshot of Bath at the time. We extend special thanks to the History of Bath Research Group for helping to make this possible. Please visit their website at

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