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Please choose from the below options
I am looking to apply for Irish Citizenship by Descent
I am researching my 19th Century Irish Ancestors
I am researching my 18th Century [and earlier] Irish Ancestors
I am looking for specific documents/archives/collections to be searched in-person in Ireland
I am looking for someone to verify my Irish Family History research to date
I am adopted/have found a non-parent-expected event in my tree and am looking for help researching my biological ancestors
I want to hire someone to research the family history of someone I know as a gift for a special occasion
I am looking for help interpreting my DNA results
Note: Irish records for the period including and prior to the early 19th Century are sparce in many areas due to poor record keeping and/or destruction of records. Although this may be overcome in some instances by using other relevant record sets, there is the possibility that record losses/gaps may be too extensive in some areas during earlier time periods. Other resources such as the Autosomal DNA test and the Family Tree YDNA test may be able to assist research in these instances
Note: Irish records for the period including and prior to the early 19th Century are sparce in many areas due to poor record keeping and/or destruction of records. Although this may be overcome in some instances by using other relevant record sets, there is the possibility that record losses/gaps may be too extensive in some areas during earlier time periods. Other resources such as the Autosomal DNA test and the Family Tree YDNA test may be able to assist research in these instances, however in the case of the 18th Century and beyond this is not always the case due to the recombination of DNA over time
Note: We must advise that we do not contact biological family members on behalf of clients, who should consult with a mediation service should this be something they are interested in.
Note: Direct to customer DNA testing websites present ethinicities in varying ways, meaning you may see "Irish" on some sites and not on others when you submit your DNA. The most accurate Ethnicity estimate at present is that of, and we recommend anyone looking to dive into their Irish genetic history to purchase a test from this website.
Note: Individuals are not entitled to Irish Citizenship by descent unless they have an Irish born Grandparent, unless the Minister decides your case may be approved. Applications may be made through ancestors further back than Grandparents, but these applications are subject to a list of specific criteria, and may not be successful even if following this list. Please find information on applications of this manner
Have you taken a DNA test with the website
Waiting on Results
Sharing DNA Results - Commissioned Research To invite someone to view your full DNA test results (your ethnicity + match list), log in and go to your main DNA page. Under Settings, scroll down to Sharing Preferences. Click the option to add a person. Next, you’ll get the option to enter that person’s email address or their Ancestry username. You’ll also need to choose what level of access you’re offering this person: For the purpose of our research we will only need Viewer access Please send the DNA invite to this email address
Have you taken a DNA test with a website other than
Please send the DNA invite to this email address
Have you shared your Ancestry DNA?
I have shared my Ancestry DNA
Please see instructions above
Have you created an online family tree?
Yes Log in to your Ancestry account, and click on the tab on the top where it says “TREES”. A menu should drop down - choose the tree that you want to share access to. Immediately to the right of the name of your tree, you will see a little down arrow – click on that. A dropdown menu will appear. Choose “Sharing”. A box will pop up where you can share your tree with someone either using their username or their e-mail address. Please send the invite to this email address:
Have you shared your Ancestry tree?
I have shared my Ancestry Tree
Please see instructions above
How many family lines are you looking to have researched?
Do you know the area in Ireland where your ancestors hail from?
Where approximately in Ireland?
Please provide a brief overview of your research goals, including the names, dates, addresses and other pertinent information on the ancestors you are interested in.
Please provide the names of your grandparents on the lines you wish to have researched so we can anchor ourselves in your tree:
Do you have a Grandparent who was born on the island of Ireland?
Are you looking to apply through an ancestor who is further back on your lineage than a Grandparent?
If so please note that applications of this manner are not guaranteed to succeed, and are at the discretion of the minister.
If you are looking for the Birth/Baptism record of your Irish born Grandparent, please provide their name, date and place of birth, and parents names if known.
If you would like to apply through an ancestor other than a grandparent, please provide some details
Note: Many records were lost in the Public Record Office [Dublin] fire which took place during the Civil War in 1922. Although some copies of records from this repository survive, this collection is very small and may not cover the record you have seen referenced as being held by the original PRO.
Please provide a description of the record/collection/archive you would like us to access, and an overview of your goals for this search.
Please provide a brief overview of your research to date, including the names, dates, addresses and other pertinent information on the ancestors you are interested in having us verify.
Are you looking for help interpreting Y-DNA results through Family Tree DNA?
Please provide a brief overview of your research to date, including the names, dates, addresses and other pertinent information on the ancestors you believe may be the source of your Irish DNA.
[If adopted] Do you have a copy of your adoption papers or other documents referring to your biological family?
Please provide a brief overview of the information you have on your biological family to date, including any names, dates, locations and other pertinent pieces of information which may assist this research.
Have they taken a DNA test with the website
Yes To invite someone to view their full DNA test results (their ethnicity + match list), log in and go to their main DNA page. Under Settings, scroll down to Sharing Preferences. Click the option to add a person. Next, you’ll get the option to enter that person’s email address or their Ancestry username. You’ll also need to choose what level of access you’re offering this person: For the purpose of our research we will only need Viewer access Please send the DNA invite to this email address
Have they created an online family tree?
Yes Log in to their Ancestry account, and click on the tab on the top where it says “TREES”. A menu should drop down - choose the tree that you want to share access to. Immediately to the right of the name of your tree, you will see a little down arrow – click on that. A dropdown menu will appear. Choose “Sharing”. A box will pop up where you can share your tree with someone either using their username or their e-mail address. Please send the invite to this email address:
Have they taken a DNA test on a website other than
Please provide a brief overview of your research goals for this project, including the names, dates, addresses and other pertinent information on the ancestors of your giftee which they are interested in.
Does your research include records in a language other than English?
Do you normally reside within the EU?
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