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Leet’s Directory (2nd ed., 1814)

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The closing decades of the eighteenth century witnessed considerable improvements in the quality of the communications infrastructure in Ireland, and consequent increases in economic activity and trade. These developments and improvements enhanced the demand for directories, travel guides and topographical accounts. To meet this demand, new road atlases and descriptive accounts began to appear. Notable among these were the Maps of the roads of Ireland by George Taylor and Andrew Skinner, William Wilson's Post-chaise companion and James Solas Dodd's Topographical director through Ireland. Ambrose Leet's Directory to the market towns, villages and gentlemen's seats and other noted places in Ireland was one of the first nineteenth century Irish directories to appear in print, and provides alternative information and additional details to that presented in the various earlier publications. Leet's directory was compiled under the authority of the General Post Office, for the purpose of encouraging trade, communications and 'public correspondence'. First published in 1812, a second edition, with corrections and additions, appeared in 1814. It is the second, corrected, edition that has been published here. This is an impressive publication of more than 450 pages, and is packed with vital information for the historian and genealogist, researching early nineteenth-century Ireland. The information is presented in convenient, columnar fashion, listing, in alphabetical order, the names of approximately 20,000 locations throughout Ireland, including towns, villages, estates and gentlemen's seats. For each location, the county in which it is situated and the nearest post town is listed, but additional information is also provided, which varies, depending on the character of the particular location. Villages and market towns are conveniently noted, and in many case, the ecclesiastical diocese is also recorded. Researchers interested in identifying the distribution of estate houses and gentleman's seats will be pleased to see that these are particularly well covered by Leet, with the then proprietor of each listed seat recorded. A detailed index of persons' names is also provided. Since the publication was undertaken under the authority of the Post Office, it concludes with a listing of postage rates from all post towns to Dublin, and from the principal postage ports (Dublin, Waterford and Donaghadee) to Britain, Europe and the Empire. The alphabetical presentation of the information makes this an easy source to use. For the added convenience of users, this version of Leet's directory, like most of our digital titles, is fully searchable. Consequently, it is strongly recommended to researchers as an important research tool, either in its own right, or as a convenient complement to the various other directories and topographical accounts available from Eneclann.

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