We often come across people researching their ancestors who are disappointed with the lack of details in mid-19th century marriage registers. In Roman Catholic marriage registers the name of the bride and groom, their witnesses and sometimes a townland were the only details recorded. But there is one other record...
As co-ordinator of the Twentyx20 genealogy talks in the NLI this summer, I had the enjoyable task of attending all the lunch-time talks, and meeting each of the speakers. One of the talks that really stood out for me, was by Damian Shiels who spoke on the Irish in the...
Last Winter Tourism Ireland commissioned Eneclann research expert Fiona Fitzsimons to research the Irish family history of Princess Charlene of Monaco. “At the outset, I had no preconceived ideas of what I might find during research” The Fagan family history. The Princess’s Irish ancestors were the Fagan family, probably...
Using newly available records on www.findmypast.ie renowned genealogist Fiona Fitzsimons discovered Clooney’s Irish ancestors didn’t jump, but were pushed. Clooney’s Irish ancestors were small farmers from Windgap, co. Kilkenny. In the 1850s local farmers competed for land. This sometimes tipped-over into violence. New evidence proves that in 1852 Nicholas Clooney (George’s great...
As John Meagher from TheIndependent.ie discovers, researchers here at Eneclann are hard at work digitising the records of Ireland’s war dead so that they shall never be forgotten, Brian Donovan Eneclann Researcher and Director gives us his take on World War 1 and how “We owe it to these men who...
For immediate release Eneclann guides Obamas through their Irish Family History At lunchtime Michelle Obama and her two daughters, Malia Ann and Sasha, took part in a private genealogy event about the President’s Irish ancestors at a special exhibit at the Long Room in the Old Library in Trinity...